Oh my goodness I cannot believe I haven't done anything on here in 6 months... So sad... I cannot tell you how many times I have heard Megan!! You need to update your blog lol. Well I am finally doing that! Gosh, so much has happened. Jordon and I moved to an apartment in Pleasant Grove. For the most part we have liked it here:) My sweet sweet Grandpa Donaldson Passed away. He was such a great man. And such a great example for all of us. I love you Grandpa! So much!! My brother Jordan and sister n law Linds had their beautiful baby girl Jersey. She is such a sweetheart and we love having her as a part of our family. They did awesome. She is so stinkin cute. We love her.
Also my wonderful parents left to serve the lord. My mommy and daddy were called as Mission President and wife in the Marshall Islands, Marjuro Mission. I cannot think of two better people to receive this calling. Their mission started July 1, 2009 and they will be serving for three years. I am so very proud of my mama and dad. They are such amazing people, and have been such great examples to each of us! I am so grateful to have them as my parents. I couldn't be luckier:) and I mean that! Gosh... three years seems like such a long time. I am so used to talking to my mom and my dad at least ten times a day:) and seeing them almost every day. It definately is not going to be easy, I am going to miss them more than anything but I know it will be very very worth it. I know that Dayton, my husband and I will receive many blessings because of my parents serving.
It has been 17 days since my parents left for Marjuro. And already they have told us so many amazing stories. Every single e mail I read from the both of them is incredible, I feel the spirit very strong just through these e mails. It gives me the chills, and has me in tears almost every single time. I guess I am just a huge baby:) I definately feel heavenly father helping me through each day. And have already seen blessings that me and my siblings and their families have received.
Mama and Daddy I want both of you to know that I love you more than anything. I couldn't say that enough! The marshallese people are so very lucky to have the both of you in their lives for the next three years. You are so special to all of us at home. And every day we try to follow your examples. We are praying for you each and every day. Thankyou for being such amazing people and for being the best parents and Nana and Papa in the world:) Thankyou for all that you do and have done for my little family. Me and my husband are very grateful. We will be patiently waiting for you, and thrilled to see you again in three years. Now go be the best President and Wifey eva!!!
We love you so so much!!!
Megs, Jord, and Bubbies. aka Caleb. lol thats for you Papa.
oh and our other baby Nibsie... haha.